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Guide of International Schools in Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur, often called KL, is Malaysia's capital city and shows an interesting mix of gleaming ..
Discover Schloss Krumbach International School and how the school masters the ar..
Guide of Singapore's International Schools. Singapore is a bustling country w..
A first-time education entrepreneur and a first-time School Principal have come ..
Without a doubt, the biggest concern for parents about their children is their health. Apart from their health, parents also have to make difficult decisions about the education of their children and how it will impact their future for this reason it’s very important to have a complete list of international schools in Madrid, Singapore or wherever you can consult the best international schools in your area.
These decisions are especially difficult for parents that are relocating. Often they are challenged by a new environment and culture, sometimes even a new language, and they have to choose from different options of curriculum and/or educational systems and here is where our international school directory comes into play.
In these situations, parents need to trust the information available to them, usually listings of best international schools Madrid, Singapore… and sponsored recommendations. However, it has become difficult for parents to find unbiased recommendations and reviews of international schools given by other parents, based on their real experiences.
We cannot forget that every child is different, so each child’s needs differ as well. What works well for one child in terms of curriculum, size, or academic demands might not work for other children.
Reviews of international schools are a critical source of information for parents, providing them with valuable details which are otherwise not available. thanks to our directory of international schools you can get an overview of the best international schools and ratings of international schools in Singapore, Madrid, Mallorca, Amsterdam…
Each review of an International school gives them a real inside feeling of what their children might find when starting at this new school.
SCHOOL IN Reviews offers parents who are looking for the right school for their children access to all these valuable comments and real experiences from other parents. The reviews and ratings are listed on SCHOOL IN Reviews as they are submitted, respectfully, but with no censorship.
Unlike other websites, at SCHOOL IN Reviews there is no need to register or pay any fee to read the reviews. We work to ensure this information is accessible and easy to find.
At SCHOOL IN Reviews we prioritize protecting you from automatic computer-generated fake reviews by validating each reviewer at point of sign-up.
SCHOOL IN Reviews has collected all the available information that other parents share. These parents understand and feel empathetic with your situation and have decided to help you by sharing their own experiences and writing their international school reviews. Let’s take this opportunity to show them our gratitude. Thank you all!
Here are some of the curricula covered in our listing:
The American or US curriculum is one of the three most widely-used curricula in international schools. According to the International School Consultancy, 1787 international schools offer the US curriculum as of 2016/17. Most of these schools are located in Japan, China, South Korea, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, as well as South and Central America.
The US does not have a national curriculum. Instead, states or districts are free to set their own education policy. However, many states are moving towards the Common Core State Standards recently, or, at the very least, attempting to set consistent standards for their curriculum, especially in English and Mathematics.
Most US international schools are accredited by a regional body, such as the New York State Board of Regents or the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
IB curriculum was founded in 1968 in Switzerland for students in international schools. The IB curriculum has gained popularity among parents and students with its approaches. It is currently taught in more than 4000 schools worldwide and in more than 140 countries.
The IB curriculum provides a student-centric approach to learning and places a dual emphasis on creative and critical thinking. It gives learners a level of independence that is specially designed to foster their creativity and help them to learn more effectively.
To learn more about the International Baccalaureate, visit their website at www.ibo.org
Established in 1988, the British curriculum, also known as the National Curriculum for England or simply the UK curriculum, enjoys extensive implementation in international schools worldwide. Its popularity underscores its standing as one of the most preferred forms of education globally.
The British curriculum is a structured curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of all students. Through its focus on goals and achievements, it ensures that parents understand their children’s education progression. It also encourages each student to reach his or her full potential through an achievement-oriented process. The British curriculum stresses creativity, critical thinking and flexibility; earning a renowned reputation for its concerns in the development of the whole personality of every student. It results in an International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in AS and A-level qualifications.
For more information, visit www.igcsecentre.com
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