IB Diploma Results – Singapore Class of 2022
IB Diploma Results 2022
The IB Diploma is a two-year program for students aged 16 to 19, which corresponds to the final two years of high school. It is the high school program offered by the International Baccalaureate. Basically it creates a global curriculum that would enable families and kids to move around and travel, lessening the influence on their children’s education. The International Baccalaureate was established in Switzerland 20 years ago.
Since the IB Diploma has gained widespread recognition and notoriety, many foreign schools that formerly used different curricula now offer their students the chance to pursue the IB Diploma. Most institutions accept the IB Diploma scores as entrance criteria since it is widely accepted, streamlining the university application process.
IB Diploma Requirements
However, the IB Diploma curriculum is similarly tough and intensive. 45 points is the maximum possible score:
42 points from six topic groups (maximum of 7 points for each subject). The six topic categories, each featuring a variety of courses, are as follows:
– Studies in language and literature
– Language acquisition
– Individuals and societies
– Sciences
– Mathematics
– The arts
A minimum of three of the six subject groups that the students are required to take must be at “Higher Level,” implying that the course material and level of difficulty are more challenging. The remaining courses are available at the “Standard Level.”
Plus 3 extra points from the combination of the Theory of Knowledge course (TOK), the Creativity, Activity, and Service project (CAS), and the Extended Essay (4000-word essay or study).
Universities may add certain topics at the Standard or Higher level as admission criteria. Finally they might add a minimum number of points depending on the studies the students choose to pursue.
Here are the International Schools in Singapore results for the most recent exams intake in May 2022.